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The following guide will walk you through the process of a detailed installation of Kedify in your Kubernetes cluster.


  • A running Kubernetes cluster (a local cluster or cloud-based EKS, GKS, etc)
  • The kubectl command line utility installed and accessible
  • Created account and signed up in the Kedify Service

Connect New Cluster

To connect a new cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Create a New Cluster Connection:

    • Either from the Overview section: Overview
      • Click on the “Connect” button under “Connect cluster”.
    • Or from the Clusters section: Clusters
      • Click on the “Connect cluster” button.
  2. Configure Connection Settings:

    • Connection Name: Provide a name for your cluster connection. Cluster Name and Mode
    • Installation Mode: Select an installation mode:
      • Auto: Auto-discovers existing KEDA or installs and manages new KEDA.
      • Managed: Full installation and management of KEDA and Kedify.
      • Adopt: Keeps the existing KEDA, installs and manages Kedify and the HTTP add-on. Be aware that some Kedify features (such as Kedify Scalers) might not work properly.
      • InstallOnly: Installs KEDA and Kedify, user-managed.
  3. Set Namespace and KEDA Version:

    • Namespace: Specify the namespace to install KEDA (default is keda).
    • KEDA Version: Select the KEDA version to install. Namespace and KEDA Version
  4. Configure KEDA Update Mode:

    • Update Mode: Select an update mode:
      • Latest Released: Always update to the latest released version.
      • Patches Only: Install only patches (i.e. bug fixes).
      • Do not update: Do not update anything, and keep the installed KEDA version. KEDA Update Mode
  5. Advanced Configuration for KEDA:

    • By clicking on Configure button, you can fine-tune the installation with advanced Helm Chart values. This configuration is compatible with the upstream Helm Chart values. KEDA Advanced Helm Chart Values
  6. HTTP Scaler Configuration:

    • Toggle to enable or disable the HTTP Scaler based on your needs. HTTP Scaler
    • Update Mode: Select an update mode:
      • Latest Released: Always update to the latest released version of HTTP Scaler.
      • Patches Only: Install only patches of HTTP Scaler (i.e. bug fixes).
      • Do not update: Do not update anything, and keep the installed HTTP Scaler version.
  7. Advanced Configuration for HTTP Scaler:

    • By clicking on Configure button, you can fine-tune the HTTP Scaler with advanced Helm Chart values, compatible with the upstream Helm Chart values. HTTP Scaler Advanced Helm Chart Values
  8. Kedify Control Plane:

    • Configure whether you want to enable Auto Update for the Control Plane. We recommend keeping this setting enabled: Kedify Control Plane
  9. Configure Scaling Options:

    • Specify which types of resources KEDA should watch and scale. By default, KEDA can scale Deployments and StatefulSets. Scaling Options
  10. Set Observability Preferences:

  • Enable monitoring for the Kedify Control Plane, KEDA Resources, and your workloads.
  • Set the log level for KEDA operator, metric server, and webhooks. Optionally enable stack traces in the logs. Observability
  1. Save and Install:
  • Once all configurations are set, click on “Save”.
  • Use the provided kubectl command to connect the cluster.

This command sets up the Kedify Agent with all necessary configurations to connect to the Kedify platform and manage your KEDA and HTTP Scaler installations efficiently.

Update Cluster Connection

To update a cluster connection, follow these steps:

  1. Edit Cluster Connection:

    • Click on the Edit button in the Cluster overview.
    • This will allow you to update the connection settings for your cluster.
    • After the successful Cluster Connection update, you should see following infor message: UpdateSuccess
  2. Additional Options:

    • Click on the ... button to access additional options:
      • Get Installation Command: Retrieve the kubectl apply command used for the installation.
      • Get Uninstallation Command: Retrieve the command to uninstall Kedify from your cluster.

Cluster Detail

Advanced Configuration

In this section, we will cover advanced configurations and common troubleshooting steps to ensure that your KEDA setup runs smoothly. These configurations will help you tailor KEDA to fit into specific environments and resolve potential issues.

Custom DNS Domain

If your Kubernetes cluster uses a custom DNS domain instead of the standard cluster.local suffix, you need to configure KEDA to work properly. For example, if you are using the domain, follow these steps:

Kedify Agent

Update Kedify Agent deployment, we assume that keda is the installation namespace:

kubectl set env deployment/kedify-agent -n keda


  1. In the KEDA Operator, set the container argument k8s-cluster-domain to

  2. In the KEDA Metrics Server, set the container argument metrics-service-address to

This needs to be done in Helm in the KEDA advanced config by Updating Cluster Connection by adding following values and saving the cluster config and connection.

Please add the whole extraArgs section to the config if it is missing, or update if it already exists:


HTTP Scaler

If HTTP Scaler is enabled for the cluster, we need to instruct HTTP Scaler interceptor component as well. This needs to be done in Helm in the HTTP Scaler advanced config by Updating Cluster Connection by adding following values and saving the cluster config and connection.

Please add clusterDomain: to the existing interceptor section:



When setting up KEDA, you might encounter an error like ( status FailedDiscoveryCheck if you have Istio installed as a service mesh in your cluster. This issue can also cause namespace deletion failures with an error such as:

NamespaceDeletionDiscoveryFailure - Discovery failed for some groups, 1 failing: unable to retrieve the complete list of server APIs: the server is currently unable to handle the request

To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Prevent the sidecar injection of Istio by labeling the KEDA installation namespace accordingly (we assume it is keda):

    kubectl label namespace keda istio-injection=disabled
  2. Verify that the label is set:

    kubectl describe ns keda
  3. Redeploy KEDA into the namespace keda and re-check the status of the API service. It should now have the status True. You can do that by deleting all pods in the keda namespace:

    kubectl delete pods --all -n keda


If you need more details, here’s an in-depth explanation:

  1. Check the Setup

    We assume that KEDA is installed in the namespace keda.

  2. Check the KEDA API Service Status


    kubectl get apiservice -o yaml

    If the status is False, there might be an issue with the KEDA installation.

  3. Check Istio Installation

    kubectl get svc -n istio-system

    If Istio is installed, you will get a result like:

    istio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer 15021:31585/TCP,80:31669/TCP,443:30464/TCP 3d
    istiod ClusterIP <none> 15010/TCP,15012/TCP,443/TCP,15014/TCP 3d
  4. Check KEDA Namespace Labels

    kubectl describe ns keda

    If Istio injection is enabled, there will be no label stating istio-injection=disabled. Sidecar injection of Istio can prevent the API service of KEDA from working properly.

  5. Prevent Sidecar Injection of Istio

    Label the KEDA installation namespace accordingly (we assume it is keda):

    kubectl label namespace keda istio-injection=disabled