Helm Installation
Install Kedify Agent using Helm.
- A running Kubernetes cluster (a local cluster or cloud-based EKS, GKS, etc)
installed and accessible- Created account and signed up in the Kedify Service
Getting Organization ID
In the Kedify dashboard, navigate to Organization
and select Details.
Copy the ID
Getting API Key
If you have Kedify Agent deployed, you can get your pre-provisioned API key from a Secret
in the same Kubernetes cluster:
kubectl get secret -n keda kedify-agent -o=jsonpath='{.data.apikey}' | base64 --decode
If you don’t have an existing Agent, you can generate a new API Key in the Kedify dashboard.
Navigate to Organization
and select API Keys.
Click on Regenerate Agent Key
and copy the key.
Helm Installation
The following steps guide you through the minimal installation of Kedify on your cluster using Helm. Each component is installed individually from its respective Helm chart, making the user responsible for updating all components.
- Add the Kedify Helm repository:
helm repo add kedifykeda https://kedify.github.io/chartshelm repo update
- Create a
for KEDA installation with the following content:
image: keda: tag: v2.16.0-1 registry: ghcr.io repository: kedify/keda-operator metricsApiServer: tag: v2.16.0-1 registry: ghcr.io repository: kedify/keda-metrics-apiserver webhooks: tag: v2.16.0-1 registry: ghcr.io repository: kedify/keda-admission-webhookswatchNamespace: ''rbac: scaledRefKinds: - apiGroup: '*' kind: '*'logging: operator: level: info stackTracesEnabled: false metricServer: level: 0 webhooks: level: infoprometheus: operator: enabled: true metricServer: enabled: true webhooks: enabled: true
See all possible options in the values.yaml file.
- Create a
for http addon installation with the following content:
images: tag: v0.8.1-8 operator: ghcr.io/kedify/http-add-on-operator interceptor: ghcr.io/kedify/http-add-on-interceptor scaler: ghcr.io/kedify/http-add-on-scalerinterceptor: replicas: min: 1 resources: requests: cpu: '0.1' memory: 32Mi limits: cpu: 1 memory: 64Miscaler: replicas: 1 resources: requests: cpu: '0.1' memory: 16Mi limits: cpu: 0.5 memory: 64Mioperator: replicas: 0 resources: requests: cpu: '0.1' memory: 16Mi limits: cpu: 0.5 memory: 64Mi
See all possible options in the values.yaml file
- Install KEDA and the HTTP Addon:
helm upgrade --install keda kedifykeda/keda --namespace keda \ --create-namespace \ --values values_keda.yaml
helm upgrade --install keda-add-ons-http kedifykeda/keda-add-ons-http \ --namespace keda \ --values values_addon.yaml
- Install the Kedify Agent:
helm upgrade --install kedify-agent kedifykeda/kedify-agent \ --namespace keda \ --set clusterName="cluster-1" \ --set agent.orgId="$YOUR_ORG_ID" \ --set agent.apiKey="$YOUR_API_KEY"
Helm Installation with Argo CD
To install Helm charts using Argo CD, you can use the following manifests. They provide a base configuration for deploying keda
, http-add-on
, and kedify-agent
using Argo CD.
KEDA Installation Manifest with Argo CD
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1kind: Applicationmetadata: name: keda namespace: argocdspec: destination: namespace: keda server: https://kubernetes.default.svc project: default source: chart: keda repoURL: https://kedify.github.io/charts targetRevision: v2.16.0-1 helm: values: | image: keda: tag: v2.16.0-1 registry: ghcr.io repository: kedify/keda-operator metricsApiServer: tag: v2.16.0-1 registry: ghcr.io repository: kedify/keda-metrics-apiserver webhooks: tag: v2.16.0-1 registry: ghcr.io repository: kedify/keda-admission-webhooks syncPolicy: automated: {} syncOptions: - CreateNamespace=true - ServerSideApply=true ignoreDifferences: - kind: APIService group: apiregistration.k8s.io jqPathExpressions: - '.spec.insecureSkipTLSVerify' - kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration group: admissionregistration.k8s.io jqPathExpressions: - '.webhooks[].clientConfig.caBundle'
KEDA HTTP Add-On Installation Manifest with Argo CD
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1kind: Applicationmetadata: name: http-add-on namespace: argocdspec: destination: namespace: keda server: https://kubernetes.default.svc project: default source: chart: keda-add-ons-http repoURL: https://kedify.github.io/charts targetRevision: v0.8.1-1 helm: values: | images: tag: v0.8.1-8 operator: ghcr.io/kedify/http-add-on-operator interceptor: ghcr.io/kedify/http-add-on-interceptor scaler: ghcr.io/kedify/http-add-on-scaler interceptor: replicas: min: 1 scaler: replicas: 1 operator: replicas: 0 syncPolicy: automated: {} syncOptions: - CreateNamespace=true - ServerSideApply=true
Kedify Agent Installation Manifest with Argo CD
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1kind: Applicationmetadata: name: kedify-agent namespace: argocdspec: destination: namespace: keda server: https://kubernetes.default.svc project: default source: chart: kedify-agent repoURL: https://kedify.github.io/charts targetRevision: v0.0.5 helm: values: | clusterName: my-cluster # EDIT THIS agent: orgId: "FILL THIS FROM UI" # AVAILABLE UNDER Organization -> Details apiKey: "FILL THIS FROM UI" # AVAILABLE UNDER Organization -> API Keys syncPolicy: automated: {} syncOptions: - CreateNamespace=true