Secure Builds with Updates
Stay current with the latest secure version of KEDA. Let Kedify manage and update your KEDA deployments.
Autoscale your workloads based on HTTP requests. No need to write custom code or rely on other options like Knative.
Multiple Cluster Management
Gain visibility and control over your workload autoscaling across multiple Kubernetes clusters, regardless of where they are deployed.
Dynamic Vertical Autoscaling
Dynamically resize your workloads with zero downtime with Kedify Pod Resouce Profiles.
Use FIPS-compliant images for your KEDA deployments. Stay compliant with government and related security requirements.
Get recommendations on how to optimize your KEDA deployments based on your workload and usage patterns.
Web-based dashboard for managing your KEDA deployments. No need to use the command line.
Expert Enterprise Support
Get help when you need it. Our team of experts is here to help you with your KEDA deployments.
Scaler Configuration Wizard
Easily configure 65+ available scalers for your KEDA deployments with our step-by-step wizard.